The Evaluatıon Of Effects Of Twın Block Applıance On Dentofacıal Sutructures In The Cases Wıth Class Iı Dıv. I Malocclusıons
Original Article
P: 44-53
April 1995

The Evaluatıon Of Effects Of Twın Block Applıance On Dentofacıal Sutructures In The Cases Wıth Class Iı Dıv. I Malocclusıons

Turk J Orthod 1995;8(1):44-53
1. GATA Dişhek. Bil. Merk. Ortodonti A.B.D.
No information available.
No information available


The purpose of our study is to examine the effects of twin block appliance on dentofacial structures in the cases with Angle Class II. Division 1 malocclusion and to discuss the importance of this technique in functional orthopedic treatment. In our study, 16 angular and linear measurements were made on the initial and the final radiographic pairs in 32 cases, which 16 them were treatment and the other 16 were control group with Angle Class II. Division 1 malocclusion. At the end of the twin block treatment, it is seen that the development of the upper jaw was braked, the lower jaw was lacated below and front, due to the increase of the effective mandibular length and especially the height of ramus mandible, dimensional increase took place and it has seen that upper incisors inclined to palatinal, lower incisors weren’t effected from the treatment and Angle Class I molar relationship was attained.