“The Effects Of The Dıfferent Angulatıon Of The Outer Bows Of The Occıpıtal Headgear-Actıvator Combınatıons On The Dentofacıal Structures
    Original Article
    P: 89-99
    November 1994

    “The Effects Of The Dıfferent Angulatıon Of The Outer Bows Of The Occıpıtal Headgear-Actıvator Combınatıons On The Dentofacıal Structures

    Turk J Orthod 1994;7(2):89-99
    1. Gazi Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the use with the different angulation of the outer bows of the occipital headgear-activator combination treatments in class 2 high angle cases. In this research two treatment and two control groups were studied. In one treatment group, the outer bows of the occipital headgear were bent upward direction while the outer bows were bent downward direction in the other treatment group. Two control groups which received no orthodontic treatment. Each group included 7 individuals of lateral cephalometric films were obtained before and after treatment/control periods. In this research 25 measurements were evaluated. According to GoGnSN angle, Gonial angle, ramal inclination, occlusal plane inclination, the vertical development of upper and lower dentoalveolar structures and overbite, there were statistically significant differences between the two treatment groups.

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