The Effect Of A Contınuous Fluorıde Releasıng Orthodontıc Acrylıc On Salıvary Streptococcus Mutans
Original Article
P: 1 - 7
April 2000

The Effect Of A Contınuous Fluorıde Releasıng Orthodontıc Acrylıc On Salıvary Streptococcus Mutans

Turk J Orthod 2000;13(1):1-7
1. GATA Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Merkezi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
2. H.Ü. Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti Anabilim Dalı
3. H.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı
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It is known that the most effective kind of Streptococcus which plays the main role in forming dental caries is Streptococcus Mutans and it is proved that S,Mutans concentration of 105 is a risk factor for caries lesions. The role of fluoride in caries reduction by means of bactericideal effect and inhibation of enzymatic activation of bacteries was demonstrated in epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies. The aim of our study is to determine the effect, of a continuous fluoride releasing orthodontic acrylic on salivary Streptococcus Mutans. Our study is caried out on 15 patient of average age 13.23∓2.81 who are planned to be treated with removable appliances which are constructed with continuous fluoride releasing orthodontic acrylic that contains %10 calsium fluoride. During the two months of experimental period, saliva samples are collected weekly in the first month and at the end of the second month. Then the number of S.Mutans colonies are established by Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin medium. While the S.mutans levels are higher than 105 at the beginning of treatment, it is obsemed that the levels are decreased at the end of the first week. But the S.mutans levels begin to increase again by the second week. When the mean values are compared with each other increasing values in the second week according to the first week and decreasing values in the third and forth weeks and at the end of the second month according to the second week are established. When the differentiation in time is evaluated by Freidman Variation Analysis no significant finding is observed. As a result it can be said that, no meaningfull effect can be achieved by fluoride releasing orthodontic acrylic.

Streptococcus mutans, Fluoride