Removable Plates Are Wıdely Used For Varıous Purposes In Orthodontıcs
    Clinical Corner
    P: 160-167
    November 1990

    Removable Plates Are Wıdely Used For Varıous Purposes In Orthodontıcs

    Turk J Orthod 1990;3(2):160-167
    1. H.Ü. Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
    2. H.Ü. Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available


    In order to accomplish the designed treatment objective, it isdeemed necessary to provide sufficient retention of the removable appliance. In this regard, clasps such as Adams, Schwars arrowhead Duyzing, Jackson, Crozat, ball, triangular, C and so forth, have been developed. Furthermore as much importance must be given to the level of comfort provided by the clasp as is given to its retentive property, particularly in appliances where long, term wear is essential. It is concerning these two properties that Ishigami proximal clasps render the greatest contribution through their high retentive capacity and ease of placement in the mouth. Hence, in spite of being developed originaly for dentures, tnese clasps may be effectively accomotated in orthodontic appliances. In this paper, experiences acquired through practical application of Ishigami proximal clasps, are presented.

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