Investıgatıon Of The Effects Of Tromboxan (Txa2) On Orthodontıc Tooth Movements Delıvered Experımentally In Rats
Original Article
P: 236-244
July 1988

Investıgatıon Of The Effects Of Tromboxan (Txa2) On Orthodontıc Tooth Movements Delıvered Experımentally In Rats

Turk J Orthod 1988;1(2):236-244
1. G.A.T.A. Dişhekimliği Bilimleri Merkezi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
2. G.A.T.A. Eczacılık Merkezi
No information available.
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In this study, with the aim to investigate the effects of Tromboxan (TxA2) on the experimental orthodontic tooth movements, the synthesis inhibitör of this material UK 38 485 was used. This study was carried on twenty rats. Appliances were used in the study groups at first. The local effects of the solvent for the material UK 38 485 in control group and of the effective material inhibiting the TxA2 synthesis in the other group were investigated. Histopathological evaluation of the local effects were made by counting the osteoclasts in tissue cross sections. In the evaluation of the resuts, obstructive effect of TxA2 on the orthodontic tooth movements was shown. After the dose and time relations would have been studied as well, it is the thoughts of the authors that UK 38 485 material, the synthesisinhibitor of TxA2 could have been more useful to deliver tooth movements in shorter periods with less forces during orthodontic treatments.