Examıatıon Of The Effects Of Varıous Orthodontıc Applıances On Perıodontal Tıssues
    Original Article
    P: 13-18
    April 1990

    Examıatıon Of The Effects Of Varıous Orthodontıc Applıances On Perıodontal Tıssues

    Turk J Orthod 1990;3(1):13-18
    1. E.Ü. Dişhekimliği Fakültesi, Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
    2. E.Ü. Dişhekimliği Fakültesi, Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalı
    No information available.
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    This study has been planned to examine the effects of various orthodontic appliances on periodontal tissues and the effect of motivation from the point of oral hygiene during the usage period of these appliances. 45 individuals; 15 of them using removable appliances, 15 of them using fixed-DBS appliances and 15 of the patients treating with fixed-multiband technics, have been used. In the beginning; the pocket depths, gingival and plaque indices of all cases have been reported and then they were motivated for their oral hygiene. The measurements were repeated for each of the motivated cases after 1 month. Statistically significant difference was found only in pocket depth between the 3 groups. There were statistically significant differences in pocket depth, gingival and plaque indices values in each of the groups before and after motivation.

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