Analysıs Of Soft Tıssue Facıal Profıle In Males In Dıfferent Age Groups
    Original Article
    P: 163-168
    November 1996

    Analysıs Of Soft Tıssue Facıal Profıle In Males In Dıfferent Age Groups

    Turk J Orthod 1996;9(2):163-168
    1. Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available


    In our study, the relationship between soft tissue profiles of preadolescent boys, (mean age 8 years and 3 months) and adults (mean age 23 years and 3 months), with normal soft tissue profile was investigated. The cephalometric films obtained from 58 preadolescent boys and 53 adults and total of 111 individuals were evaluated. Individuals with an ANB angle between 0°-4° were included to study. Seven angular, seven dimensional measurements were measured on cephalometric films and minimum, maximum, and average values were established. No statisticaly significant difference was found on only soft tissue convexity angle and soft tissue facial plane angle between preadolescent and adults groups. It was also found that the lips become by age.

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