An Investıgatıon Of The Longıtudınal Cephalometrıc Changes In The Incısor Posıtıons Between 10 And 12 Years Of Age
    Original Article
    P: 176-182
    December 2002

    An Investıgatıon Of The Longıtudınal Cephalometrıc Changes In The Incısor Posıtıons Between 10 And 12 Years Of Age

    Turk J Orthod 2002;15(3):176-182
    1. Atatürk Üniversitesi Dişhek. Fak. Ortodonti A.D.
    No information available.
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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the longitudinal growth changes in the incisor positions, overjet. and overbite between 10 and 12 years of age. Serial cephalometric radiographs were taken from 102 subjects (49 male and 53 female) at the ages of 10, 11, and 12 years. On the films, 4 linear and 5 angular parameters were measured by usual methods. The effects of the age and gender on the incisor positions, overjet, and overbite were investigated by means of variance analysis and LSD test. Of the nine measurements, only overbite, 1-NA (mm) and 1-NB (mm) were affected by the increasing age while non of them by gender.

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