A New And Dıfferent Approach For Class Iı Dıvısıon 1 Malocclusıons: Altug Type Maxıllar Expander And Dıstalızatıon Applıance Part 2 Transversal Dımensıon Evaluatıon
Original Article
P: 264 - 278
December 2004

A New And Dıfferent Approach For Class Iı Dıvısıon 1 Malocclusıons: Altug Type Maxıllar Expander And Dıstalızatıon Applıance Part 2 Transversal Dımensıon Evaluatıon

Turk J Orthod 2004;17(3):264-278
1. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
No information available.
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Altuğ Type Maxillar Expander and Distalization appliance, which is composed of an intraoral acrylic appliance and a combined headgear, is used to restrict maxillary sagittal growth and expand maxilla to koordinate Angle Class I occlusion. Second used of this aplliance is to distalize the maxillary premolar and molar teeth bodily at the same time.The aim of this study is to examine the skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue effects of the Altuğ Type Maxillar Expander and Distalization appliance. The study material consisted of posteroanterior and hand-wrist films taken from 30 individuals of the treatment group before and after treatment and from the 17 individuals of the control group before and after the control period. It has been taken into consideration that the individuals included in the study all have skeletally Class II division 1 abnormality and dental Class II buccal relationship with minimum 4 mm overjet in the maxillary arch, minimal crowding or well aligned lower arch and showed normally directed vertical growth pattern. The average treatment period was 0.6 years and control period was 1 year. The statistical significance of the changes in the measurements during the observation period of each patient in both groups was determined by paired t-test. The statistical significance of the differences between the treatment and the control groups was compared by Student's t-test.

Extraoral traction, expansion, maxillar expansion and distalization, Class II division 1 malocclusion