A Comparatıve Study Of Skeletal And Dental Open Bıte In Chıldren And Adults
Original Article
P: 108 - 116
April 1996

A Comparatıve Study Of Skeletal And Dental Open Bıte In Chıldren And Adults

Turk J Orthod 1996;9(1):108-116
1. İ.Ü. Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
No information available.
No information available


It was intended to identify the vertical facial pattern in children and adults with dental and skeletal open bite 26 children and 20 adult girls with skeletal. Class 1 pattern, incireased mandibular plane angle and with dental open bite were compared with 22 children and 20 adults with normal skeletal and dental relationships. A total of 30 parameters were measured on the profile radiograms. The parameters consisted of measurements of the cranial base, angular and milimetric measurements pertianing to the upper and lower jaws, facial heights and ratios; and milimetric dental measurements. Student t test was used to compare open bite normal and child-adult open bite groups. Discriminant analysis was used independently in child and adult groups to identify the main distinguishing parameters for open bite. It was found that the main distinguishing parameters in open bite cases were SN/GoMe; Ar-Gol-N and SNB angles which show mandibular posterior rotation. It was found that vertical facial characteristics were acquired early, however important differences existed between the child and adult open bite groups due Araşnrma Görevlisi. to dimensional growth changes and that vertical discrepency increased in adult open bite cases due to in the upper posterior dentaalveoler vertical growth. There was no change in the carinal base and upper face in open bite groups. In conclusion, the importance of early treatment and vertical control was emphasized in the treatment of open bite cases.

Open bite, child-adult