A Cephalometrıc Comparısıon Of Maxılary And Mandıbular Incısor Teeth Posıtıon And Soft Tıssue Profile
    Original Article
    P: 72-77
    April 1990

    A Cephalometrıc Comparısıon Of Maxılary And Mandıbular Incısor Teeth Posıtıon And Soft Tıssue Profile

    Turk J Orthod 1990;3(1):72-77
    1. Serbest Dişhekimi
    No information available.
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    In this study which is done to examine the effect of teeth positions on soft tissue profile (45 males-age 20-and 20 females age average 18,2 ∓ 0,58) total 65 adults with normal orthodontic region, what the position and thickness of soft tissues should be is shown when the teeth are in normal occlusion. In this reasearch which puts for the certain dentofacial criteria, dental system with soft tissue positions and thickness in both sexes is important. When lower and upper-lips are tangents to or just behind Steiner's “ S plane” the balanced facial profile in our population is found and considered to be ideal statistically. In spite of this the criteria used esthetic balances changes form one person to another.

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