Original Article

The Study Of The Relatıonshıp Between Molar Dısplacement And Anb, Wıts, Apdı, And Af-Bf Measurements


  • Hüsamettin Oktay

Turk J Orthod 1988;1(2):194-198

In This study, the relationship between the molar displacement and ANB, Wits, APDI, and AF-BF which are skeletal sagittal measurements, have been statistically investigated on the cephalometric head films and orthodontic casts of the 63 orthodontic patients. It has been found that there were a significant correlation between the sagittal skeletal parameters and molar displacement. According to the results of the chi square analysis, a statistically significant differenceness was found between the molar displecement and ANB, Wits, and APDI measurements in the assesment of notral and distal occlusions, and Af-BF measurement in the distal and mesial occlusions.

Keywords: Molar displacement, ANB, Wits, AF-BF, APDI