Case Report

Orthodontıc Treatment In The Multıdısıplınary Approach To Cranıomandıbular Dısorders


  • Münire Ece Sabah

Turk J Orthod 1996;9(2):257-262

Traditionally, the treatment of TMD has been unique and varied according to the cilinican's favourite theory of causation. Clinicans identifying the occlusion treated occlusion, while the doctor identifying stress treated that. However a team approach is necessary in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. With a team, various aspects of the problem can be addressed by different specialists, enhancing the overall potential for success. When major occlusal alterations are considered, orthodontic-therapy is often the treatment of choice, because it, is less invasive than extensive reconstructive therapy. In this study, an orthodontically treated patient complaining og craniomandibular disorders, has been discussed.

Keywords: Temporomandibular joint, multidisiplinary approach