
Complications of Orthodontic Treatment


  • Kaya Gökçe Dinçyürek
  • Ayça Arman

Turk J Orthod 2006;19(1):79-96

If orthodontic treatment is to be of benefit to a patient, the advantages it offers should overcome any possible damage it may cause. It is important to assess the risks of treatment as well as the potential gain and balance these aspects before deciding to treat a malocclusion. The orthodontist should be aware of all sorts of problems he/she has the possibility of facing, so that he/she can prevent or manage them. Clinically there are a number of areas of concern for risk management. These are discussed in detail under three categories as local, systemic and other complications. Moreover, legal issues about complications are pointed out and finally an informed consent form prepared with the consultancy and the approval of Başkent University legal office suitable with the new Turkish Criminal Code is presented.

Keywords: Orthodontic complication, Side effect, Iatrogenic, Consent form